Ready to Pop a Few Corks for Champagne Day 2011 on Friday, October 28?

If anyone needed a reason to drink Champagne and share their choice and impressions with the world, Champagne Day 2011 on October 28 does just that.

Born on the web, Champagne Day invites you to join in:

"All you have to do to participate is get some champagne, which incidentally only comes from the Champagne region of France, in your glass on October 28, 2011. Share your photos, tasting notes, experiences or videos on any social media site, and be sure to add the #ChampagneDay hash tag.

You'll be able to search what other wine lovers are sharing by searching posts using tools like Tweetdeck, Google, or to name a few.  This is a global event set to run 24 hours in order to give everyone time to share a glass when it makes sense in their time zone.

Want to organize your own get together or find out where the action is?  Use  to add yours to the map.

Date and time:

Friday, October 28th  2011 12:01 am to 12pm PST. We have chosen to make this a 24-hour event so that our friends from around the globe can participate."

Champagne day
Since having wine and food with friends is social by nature, popping a few corks with fellow wine lovers on Champagne Day 2011 makes more sense than a solitary tasting shared with cyber friends.

Events like this also gives us a chance to show our commitment to protect wine place and origin.

Thanks to Benoit of Champagne Tarlant for bringing this to my attention. His sister Melanie is involved with the French leg of the event.

Benoit mentions in Vendredi c'est Champagne Day that if you happen to be in Reims, Le Bocal will host a Champagne Party starting at 8 pm with shellfish and Champagne on the menu.

(* Vendredi c'est Champagne Day as well as the rest of Champagne Tarlant blog is in French only)

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