Chinese Rock, Down 2 Bottles of 1947 Petrus only $12,000 a Pop at San Pietro

As financial fortunes take a beating, wine and liquor sales are up at many of New York's elite dining options reports Greg Farrell in Wall Street drowns its sorrows (FT, November 29).

Not everyone is downbeat, the article notes that at San Pietro a Chinese customer and his party downed 2 bottles of 1947 Petrus, price tag, a mere $12,000 each.

It reminded me of Five Barclays Bankers Lose Jobs Over Very Expensive Meal, a London splurge.

John Kapon, wine auctioneer extraordinaire, offers his take on the 1947 vintage in 1947 Bordeaux (Blog au Vin, June 2007). The tasting which took place in Kansas City also included a Riesling and a couple of Burgundies...

Related: Chateau Petrus 82 and Domaine de La Romanee Conti 62...Chicago Auction, February 2

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Top 5 Toilets with a View from 'A Loo with a View'

Nov 30
I realized very quickly once I started reading Five best ... loos with a view (The Guardian, November 29) that views here matter more than creature comforts except maybe for the underwater loo at Akashi, Japan... Not sure if that one matches a Japanese creation that I saw in the Big Apple which was like a cross between a bidet and a toilet, strange, convenient, amazing, I am not sure what adjective is most representative....
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Time to Shrink or Time to Build?

Dec 1
Facing rocky times many businesses and individuals think they can survive only by cutting, cutting expenses, cutting corners, cutting headcount. All this cutting might kill the patient as in old times when doctors thought that the best way to cure the patient was to draw blood ('la saignee'). A business with no new products, empty shelves and a loss of identity cannot survive, never mind succeed. Maybe we spend so much time listening to the...
