On Culture Clash, Dry Humor...Business Down Under...Monday Work Etiquette #4
I continue my Monday Work Etiquette Bits with elements gleaned from Business is No Breeze (Etiquette: Australia) by Virginia Marsh (in 'Global Traveler', today's FT).
After reading the piece, it seems that business in Australia means you tell it as it is, no fudging around (beating around the bush would be a cheap shot).
Ladies get a kiss (or two) on the cheek which for a Frenchman is not foreign.
I also learned that under the laid back image of our down under friends, you can find a competitive side, elbows and all, not uncommon on the rugby field.
After all who said that Surfer Dudes did not like to Win.
It seems that overall the Australian way is most challenging to their Asian partners.
What is your experience of Australia either as a local or an expat?
What were your pluses and minuses?
Recently Australian stories: Wine goes to the dogs, Que Sera Shiraz
Previous Monday Work Etiquette: Turn Off the Gadgets While You Eat
On Surf and Early Boomers: Over 50...Don't Dance at Parties and Try to Pass for a Surfer Dude