Spotted...Le Bambou...Parisian Pho Restaurant

These things just happen, while meandering the whole wide web, I stumbled upon a Vietnamese Pho in Paris’s Chinatown thanks to Globespotters (International Herald Tribune).

It tells us how Le Bambou, the Pho Restaurant in question is "everything a good French restaurant is not — cheap, crowded, loud and rushed."

Juliet Lac of Paris Woman Journal rates it one of her favorite eateries.

Other things Pho: Tuesday Morning Pho Fever

On Parisian Restaurants: An American Chef in Paris, Daniel Rose

Bon Appetit!

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Ready to 'Pownce', I have 6 Invites...Freebies for You #4

Aug 4
Since I got the green light this week to get aboard Pownce, I want to share the wealth. by that I mean the 6 Invites I now can give away. They will given on a first come, first served basis. Use the comments to request your invite Personally, I plan to use Pownce to share ideas and seek help and/or advice for projects, things that fit in 3 lines. Bonne Chance! Previous Freebie (still available):...
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Souls of Ancestors welcomed in Tokushima (August 12-15)

Aug 6
To welcome the souls of the ancestors, traditional dances and music are performed during the Awa Odori Festival In Tokushima (Japan). The event takes place every year from August 12 to August 15 and is part of the Bon season running from July to August. According to the Japan National Tourist Organization "the dance dates back to 1587 when the feudal lord Hachisuka Iemasa (1558-1638), in celebration of newly-built Tokushima Castle, offered sake to the...
