TaskBin (India) versus GoPlan (Portugal)...Oh! Baby it's a Wide World!

If you are old or worldly enough you might have gotten the Cat Stevens connection.

I always have a number of projects in the works.

I thought it would be a good way to use a couple of them to test Taskbin from Mango Spring (India) versus GoPlan from We Break Stuff (Portugal). You know 'productivity' tools. I kind of hate the name.

It fits right with the theme of the August Issue of Business 2.0 of The 29 Best Business Ideas in the World as mentioned by USA Today.

I will give you a progress report, every Monday for the next 4 weeks, starting August 6 (2007 that is).

Related stories: Southern Europe offers more than sun

and On 'Productivity Porn', Marc Andreessen

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Trappist Monks, Beer, Belgium, Religion and History

Jul 30
Whether you drink beer or not you might still be interested in the Genesis of Beer in Belgium by Trappist Monks, the best known must be Chimay. The religious order actually has its roots in Burgundy and also Normandy. I recently stumbled upon Trappist Beer, a Belgian site with a wealth of information on this and more. Here are the main things I learned are from this expedition. First "The Cistercian monasteries are divided into...
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Why aren't Dogs allowed in Restaurants asks Chow?

Jul 30
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