Better Spend A Little More Once than A Little Less Twice

Putting new windows in your apartment or house, buying a new air conditioning unit as weather heats up, picking a mover that will not damage your furniture or the front door of your new digs, cheaper is not always the wise option.

Air unit

Better spend a little more once than a little less twice!

Minding the money for Concierge Mondays # 22

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Walk Into the Storm and Stroll Around Hokkaido in Ink with Illustrator and Digital Artist Mateusz Urbanowicz

Jun 3
Walk into the storm andstroll around Hakkaido with illustrator and digital artist Mateusz Urbanowicz, Polish born, based in Tokyo. I picked Into the Storm for 2 reasons. First here in New Jersey as I write this thunderstorms are on the way, second it in a way illustrates our walk into (and hopefully through) the Covid storm. The stroll around Hokkaido, spoke to me through its ink illustrations. The small Hokkaido in Ink book contains 30...
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Seismic Monitors Must Have for Bob the Builder on NYC Construction Sites near Subways

Aug 3
This is not a lesson you most probably will learn in college. Seismic monitors can become a must have installed on New York City construction sites near subways, especially elevated lines. New lessons learned daily for Concierge Mondays #23