From Meiji to Modern Exhibit, Japanese Art Goes Global, 19th to 21st Centuries, Newark Art Museum

Driving past Newark Art Museum yesterday, I noticed sign promoting one of their current exhibits From Meiji to Modern, Japanese Art Goes Global, 19th to 21st Centuries...

"During the Meiji Restoration Period (1868-1912) the Japanese government re-oriented its economy from farming and fishing to one increasingly based on industrialization and international trade—mirroring national transformations created by Gilded Age Americans and Victorian Brits. The arts of Japan catapulted to the world stage through international expositions in Europe and the United States heralding the first truly global artistic age.  This exhibition celebrates Japanese artistic preservation, re-invention and transformation from an elaborate Edo aesthetic to Victorian excess, through sleek Art Nouveau and structured Art Deco to modern minimalism and the complexities of contemporary art and craft."

"This exhibition features a unique work entitled Central Park, New York City by artist Motoi Oi. Explore the fine details of this work through the virtual scroll."


Japan in my 'backyard' for Tokyo Thursdays # 261

Previously: Creamy Pink Cloudy Cherry Sake from 'True Brews', Make your own Nigori

(* Illustration: Dragon and Crystal Ball, Signed: Koreyoshi,  Late 19th century, Silver and rock crystal

H: 7” W: 10” D: 6.75”,  Bequest of Joseph S. Isidor, 1941, 41.236a,b...courtesy of Newark Museum)

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Win Party Game this Summer with Ace of Spades Cocktail Recipe from 'Tipsy Texan'

Jul 24
Everyone loves a winner. Win party game with Ace of Spades cocktail recipe from Tipsy Texan: Spirits and Cocktails from the Lone Star State (Andrews McMeel Publishing, June 2013) by David Alan, the Tipsy Texan . Ace of Spades This cocktail combines some of my favorite early summer flavors and is a great reminder that tomatoes are in fact a fruit. Blackberries give the cocktail a stunning color, and the tomato—barely perceptible—lends it a supple...
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French Love Taboule, Clotilde Dusoulier Eggplant and Fresh Herb Tabbouleh from 'French Market Cookbook'

Jul 26
During my 2 weeks stay in France last summer, Taboule was on the menu of most picnic and lunches we were invited to. So I was not surprised to find Taboule recipe in The French Market Cookbook, Vegetarian Recipes from My Parisian Kitchen (Clarkson Potter, July 2013) by Chocolate and Zucchini Clotilde Dusoulier Eggplant and Fresh Herb Tabbouleh Taboulé d’ aubergine aux herbes fraîches I have a great fondness for the North African style of...
