Sweet and Sour Beef Tongue, Eel With Raisins and Pine Nuts, 'Popes Peasants and Shepherds' Recipes

For past few weeks, my schedule has not left much time for book browsing so with a little time on my hands this evening i decided to pick up Popes, Peasants and Shepherds 'Recipes and Lore from Rome and Lazio' (University of California Press, March 2013) by Oretta Zanini de Vita for a quick browse.

It reminded me that in many regions of Italy as is case in France, most things can be turned into meals whether it's tripe, veal stomach or eel in Eel with Raisins and Pine Nuts and Tongue with Sweet and Sour Beef Tongue.


Some might be more comfortable with Gnocchi dolci alla romana ('Sweet Gnocchi') or'Maccheroni con le noci' (Sweet Pasta).


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Picnic Your Pick for Mother's Day, Start with the Dips, Dips Recipes from Picnic Cookbook

May 9
After Soup Glorious Soup and Camping Cookbook, Annie Bell serves us The Picnic Cookbook (Kyle Books, June 2013). If a picnic or backyard party is your Mother's Day choice, Annie Bell's Dip Recipes are a good place to start. Let’s go: dips We love damning convenience foods, but where would most of us be without those plastic tubs of hummus, guacamole and the like. A lot of it isn’t bad at all, but that small...
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Red and Gold Chocolate Heart, Mother's Day 2013 at Henri Le Roux, France

May 11
Treat Mom to a red and gold chocolate heart If you are lucky enough to be close to a Henri Le Roux Maitre Chocolatier boutique in Brittany or Paris.
