Stomach Churning Bloody Meat Poster by Mathieu Frossard, UK National Vegetarian Week, May 20-26

One of Londoners favorite expression (punctuation) 'Bloody' takes new meaning with stomach churning 'Bloody Meat' Poster created by Mathieu Frossard for Do The Green Thing and on sale on their site.

Will it encourage you to eat more vegetables during UK's National Vegetarian Week (May 20-26, 2013)?


Raw take for Green Day # 251


Natural Wine Pop Up hosted by Caves de Pyrene, May 21, at London International Wine Fair 2013

(* Bloody Meat poster image from 'Do the Green Thing' website)

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Graphically Inclined, Sign Up for Edo Pop Stencil Workshop, May 19. Japan Society, NY

May 17
Looking for a Sunday afternoon quiet actvity, graphically inclined and in New York, sign up for Edo Pop Stencil Workshop at Japan Society. On the Menu Gain an artist’s perspective on Edo Pop: The Graphic Impact of Japanese Prints with a highlights tour of the exhibition. Take inspiration from street artist AIKO’s stencil mural and woodblock print imagery to make your own stencil prints using watercolors and fine papers with master printmaker Roni Henning. No...
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Jersey Shore Calling with Sneak Preview of 'Eat Drink Italy with Vic Rallo'

May 21
Unless my schedule runs awry, I will not have to wait until Memorial Day week-end to pay a visit to Jersey shore. At this time tomorrow I should be in good company for a sneak preview of Eat Drink Italy with Vic Rallo. A cursory look at what will make it to the screen for first season which will start airing om PBS on July 6, 2013 shows Vic often drawn to wines and food...
