Delicious Red, 'Reserve des Vignerons' Saumur Champigny 2010, 100 Percent Cabernet Franc

I met a delicious red yesterday,'Reserve des Vignerons' 2010 Saumur Champigny 2010, 100% Cabernet Franc.

A great buy at around $12.


You can explore the 'Saumur Champigny' appellation on May 26 (Biodiversity World Day) by foot, on horseback or riding your bike.

2011 Vintage of 'Reserve des Vignerons' is listed on sale for $8 at Astor Wines.

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Put Your Stamp on Your Boxed Culinary Creations with Papermash 'From the Kitchen of' Stamp Kit

May 7
Put Your Stamp on Your Boxed Culinary Creations with Papermash 'From the Kitchen of' Stamp Kit. Alternatively it will be a great gift to any friend who spends her-his spare time coming up with culinary delights. Kit sells for £16.99 GBP, Papermash is based in UK. (* Image from Papermash website)
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Picnic Your Pick for Mother's Day, Start with the Dips, Dips Recipes from Picnic Cookbook

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