Boulevarde to Porn Star Martini, Classics and New Cocktails courtesy of Shaken not Stirred
Today was perfect day for me to receive updated paperback edition of Shaken not Stirred, a Celebration of the Martini (William Morrow, January 2013) by Anistatia R.Miller and Jared M.Brown.
I did not have to be the mix master at a holiday party, i just needed to be humored which this light tome accomplished.
The light touch does not prevent the authors to share Martini's rich and colorful history and its contemporary creations.
Start with the Eight commandments of Martini making and drinking and do not skip last chapter, Happy Hour, if you plan to travel and want to jot down a few good addresses.
As part of commandment No 4, they discourage Martini drinking and rollerblading while Commandment No 2 frowns on pairing fine Martinis and drinking games.
For your education and entertainment check Bols Version of Porn Star Martini created by Douglas Ankrah for Townhouse in London.
According to Bols the 'Porn Star Martini' which is included in 'Shaken not Stirred' was "first dubbed the Maverick Martini after a shady club in Capetown, South Africa, then renamed the Pornstar Martini, because of all the passion Ankhar would put into this drink."
(* Image of Porn Star Martini from Bols website)