Last Call, Nectar Wine Bar in Harlem is Closing its Doors on Leap Day 2012

A pioneer in Harlem, 4 years ago when they opened their doors, Nectar Wine Bar is giving its last call on Leap Day 2012.


If you are in New York, you can join them to say adieu and thanks for their good work from 8 pm to 12 am on Wednesday, February 29, 2012.

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Beacon Food Forest in Seattle will Show What Growing Food looks like

Feb 28
Turning hills currently only covered with grass into a food forest is serious work compared to front lawns turned into edible gardens. Urbanites who don't really know how things grow will be able to see it up close and personal in Seattle once Beacon Food Forest becomes a reality. Robert Mellinger lays out details on the project in Nation's largest public Food Forest takes root on Beacon Hill (Crosscut, February 16, 2012). Harrison Design, the...
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Summer Fish in February, Olive Oil Poached Fluke Recipe on Leap Day

Feb 29
Thinking about Leap Day (February 29), I was wondering if it should be a day when we take some risks, have a leap of faith. As it happens only once every 4 years, if this is the only time we get out of our comfort zone, it would not be much. I was giving a second or maybe third look at The Italian Table (Kyle Books, Fall 2011) by Ron Suhanosky and really liked the...
