Bright Future, Good Jobs Green Jobs Conference, May 4-6, Washington DC
Unfortunately I am not attending the Good Jobs Green Jobs Conference which opened in Washington DC, this morning, May 4.
There is always Twitter to see what's happening and I learned through that channel that one of the first speakers was Carl Pope quoted as saying 'lets not the the past strangle our future'.
The conference motto is Investment, Innovation, Action.
Since the event takes place in DC, there will be more wonkish (if useful) discussions like the panel Can Green Jobs Solve the Biggest Employment Crisis Since the Great Depression? which concludes Tuesday's activities.
The 3rd day, May 6, is Green Jobs Advocacy Day and attendees will converge on Capitol Hill to make their voices heard.
Forward looking for Green Day # 126
Previously: U.S Ranks Last of 17 in National Geographic Greendex Survey, How Will You Fare