Financier Patisserie offers Galette des Rois to New Yorkers

Earlier today in Having an Epiphany on January 6 with Galette des Rois, a French Treat, I mentioned that Bagatelle was keeping the Galette des Rois tradition alive in London.


New York is not left out in 2010 as I just found out that Financier Patisserie started selling its 'Galette des Rois' to all the kings men and women on January 2.

You might even be able to pick up one on the way home if your commute takes you to Grand Central where they just opened a new shop.

Seems like you need to pre-order a day prior (before 4PM).

Are you baking one or is your favorite bakery having an Epiphany?

Going to a party, it might add a fun touch to it.

For full disclosure, I never set foot at Financier and was not bribed by them.

I might even go as far as pay them a visit and get one of these for the kids (and the grown-ups too).

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Classic Album Covers, Royal Mail Stamp Rock Collection, Available January 7

Jan 6
10 Album Covers, 10 Artists from the UK, 10 Stamps A New Collection of Stamps, Classic Album Covers is released by the Royal Mail on January 7, 2010. Runs the gamut of styles musically as you can see from Mike Oldfield to Coldplay... Want all the details, Norvic Philatelics covers it all, album by album...
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Too Cold for Ice Cream, Frutta in Cartoccio by Jody Williams of Gottino, NY, in Coco

Jan 7
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