Drop Your Corks...ReCORK America...Recycle via Kermit, Whole Foods or Cuvaison

Continuing my exploration of sustainable practices in the wine sphere, I thought that it would be worth mentioning ReCORK America.

Checking their site I learned that this initiative was the brainchild of people in the field as they explain:

"Amorim & Irmãos of Portugal, the world’s largest producer of natural cork wine closures (over 3 billion annually) and their U.S. sales offices, Amorim Cork America and Portocork America, have instituted a pilot program in California and the Pacific North West to recycle natural cork wine closures."

A few good reasons to get on with the program:

"Natural Cork, the kind of cork used in wine closures, is a perfect choice for recycling. It’s 100% natural, biodegradable and renewable. There is absolutely no reason natural wine corks should end up as landfill when recycled cork can become flooring tiles, building insulation, automotive gaskets, craft materials, soil conditioner and sports equipment."

ReCORK America is mostly available on the West Coast.


Checking the drop off locations, they include restaurants, food stores including Whole Foods in Northern California, wine merchants such as the good people at Kermit Lynch and wineries.

In my neck of the woods (New Jersey), Gary's Wine & Marketplace is listed as a participant. I did notice as well WTN Services which helps wineries with Direct to Consumer shipping is offered as an option in New York.

WTN actually shares its Lean and Green Report Card for 2008 on its blog. It includes "converting 80% of their clients from the use of Styro-shippers to corrugated or earth friendly pulp."

Why not get on with the program?

Not sure if it is a different or an affiliated program but Cuvaison in its Green Initiatives (see Video above) lists Yemm & Hart (in Missouri) as another Cork Recycler. The advantage is you can mail your old corks to them.

Greening wine 2 for Green Day # 88

Last week on Green Day:
Thinking Outside the Bottle, Sustainable Winemaking in California and Elsewhere

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Goat's On Me...Is National Goat Cheese Month a Hoax?

Aug 3
First time I saw National Goat Cheese Month mentioned was this morning (via Lijit). There are mentions of its celebration in August in the USA on Wikipedia yet checking famed American goat cheese producers such as Cypress Grove Chevre did not show any sign of the event. I did learn that their latest creation is Truffle Tremor (pictured above) which they introduce as "classic flavor of truffle meets the velvety perfection of ripened goat milk...
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Italian Girl on a Vespa, From SP68 to San Diego Natural Wine Summit, August 9

Aug 5
I thought it would be fun if the cute Italian girl on a Vespa (pictured below) happened to make her grand entrance riding into the San Diego Natural Wine Summit on August 9. Unfortunately while her wine will be poured, she will not be there in the flesh. The girl in question is Arianna Occhipinti, a youthful Italian organic winemaker from Sicily who has made waves with a Nero d' Avola and a Frappato and...
