Blame it on the Squirrels...Comcast Update

Seems like the haphazard performance of my internet connection over the past few days was caused by squirrels chewing the wire running from the pole to my house.

The tech guy from Comcast replaced it and I hope that was all there was.

Squirrels are a regular fixture in New Jersey and I discovered that local United Exterminating Company based in Cherry Hill made it its mission to help people fight these invaders.

I borrowed their picture of the Eastern Grey Squirrel as my illustration.

One thing I did not realize that some NJ residents for example members of the Ramapough Indian Tribe catch these little rodents and turn them into a meal, according to the NY Daily News.

A wild ride I had today from tech troubleshooting to exterminators to unusual main dishes.

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Climate Camp, Boot Camp for the Environment, London, August 26-September 2

Aug 25
While kids are heading home from Summer camp and getting ready to go back to school, some of the Green crowd in the UK is about to join Climate Camp, a boot camp for the environment taking place (taking over) in London from August 26 to September 2. I was intrigued by the effort but not sure what to make of it so I read Q & A: Climate Camp by James Randerson (Guardian, August...
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Google celebrates the 400th Anniversary of Galileo's Telescope, Tuscany does Too

Aug 25
I mentioned the events celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Galileo's telescope in a previous post and was happy to learn from Turismo in Toscana (the official and very good tourist guide for the region) before even using Google today that Google joined the party with its daily icon below. Space Online Today spoils the party in Telescope is 400 years old by noting that there is a controversy as to who has the title of...
