With 'The Bobs' (2007)...It's Not All About Me...Well Most of the Time It Is!
Most of the time it is all about me.
I just entered 'Serge the Concierge' in the Run for The Bobs (2007) Awards brought to us by Deutsche Welle.
It is not just one of these Awards Competitions.
It is also a chance to discover what people think and the way they live across the universe, in many tongues.
This year they added Google Maps which told me that the 2 sites already entered in New Jersey besides yours truly are one in Arabic and the other in Spanish.
You can also browse through the Blogopedia if you have time on your hands.
You will find us There as Serge The Concierge.
Enjoy the exploration.
Related topics: Take 5...For Blog Day 2007