Tokyo Art Beat...'Folding Screens' and the city's Art and Design Scene

While digging for details on Japanese stories the main drawback I encounter is that a number of sites do not offer an English version.

I was pleased to discover Tokyo Art Beat which offers a Bilingual Art and Design Guide to the city.

You will find a combination of reviews, events, museum shows, gallery openings and lectures.

They also offer a 'Today's Pick' .

One of the featured museum shows is Biombo: Japan Heritage as Legend of Gold Exhibition (illustration from Event Page) at the Suntory Museum of Art. The show opened on September 1st and runs until October 21st. Biombo_2

I learned that 'Biombo' is the Spanish and Portuguese equivalent of 'byobu' (Folding Screen).

The event covers Folding Screens many styles, their history including their contribution to trade and cultural exchange.

So if you travel to Tokyo or simply want to infuse your day with new ideas and knowledge, visit Tokyo Art Beat.

Previous Tokyo Thursday: Kid Play...Bellhop or Cook for a Day at Rihga Hotel in Tokyo

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Don't be Sheepish...Say Cheese and Try the 'Cacio de Roma'

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