Posts from July 2007

Bored at Work on Friday...With 'Office Snapshots' peek into other people's rooms

It might be a slow Friday at work and you are bored.

Kill some time on Office Snapshots which as its name suggests let's you take a peek at other people's cubicles and workplaces.

Today's feature is Slide (photo sharing and image storage).

My favorite has to be Pixar, their warm and comfy spaces makes you want to get a job there.

What does your office look like?
Want to submit a picture to illustrate this post, go ahead and put a little fun and creativity in your day.

Got the lead on Office Snapshots from Think Vitamin.

More picturesque takes: How 'Citron' Presse led me to the wonderful world of Loua

'Let's Get Naked'...On the Agenda of Wine Blogging Wednesday #36

With his Let's Get Naked theme, Lenn Thompson, the godfather of Wine Blogging Wednesday is not celebrating the Summer of Love.

The August 8 Edition of WBW, Number 36, will mark the 3 year anniversary of this monthly event.

Do not worry! You will have to suffer the view of  unadorned (and possibly aged) wine buffs.

What the event will cover is 'naked' wines, chardonnay actually, not made with oak barrels or for the cheap plonk, oak chips and oak essence...yuck!

Lenn also announced the birth of Wine Blogging Wednesday the site on all things Wine Blogging Wednesday which might allow wine fans without their own home on the web to participate.

My WBW #35 Opus: Red wine from a beloved castle

Related:  From 'Summer of Love' at the Whitney to 'Zipper Factory' Lunch

One Thousand and One...Bits and Pieces written on 'Serge the Concierge'

Actually with this short announcement, that makes it 1002.

I wanted to first cross the 1000 posts, stories, musings line before writing this bit.

If anyone had told me that I would get there when I got going, I might have called them loonies.

As they say, to get anywhere, you first have to get started.

So here I am, 1000 posts later.

Do you have some favorites?

Sweet Sounds of Summer: Japanese Wind Bells Market in...Kawasaki

No revving up your motorcycle here!

I am familiar with Farmers Markets and Flea Markets. Until today I had never heard about one dedicated only to Wind Chimes or in this case Japanese Wind Bells called Fuulin.

Our Tokyo antenna, PingMag got us started with Summer Sounds of Japanese Wind Bells.

In turn it led me to the Kawasaki Daishi Heikenji Buddhist Temple where the principle object of worship is the image of the priest Kukai.

The temple hosts the Wind Bell Bazaar for 4 days in July including the 20th and 21st.


Hikalu of Yokohama also visited the place. Check his report on Mon Semainier. No it is not in French (or Japanese for that matter), the fellow just like the French culture I guess and Ricard.

Some of these wind bells are made of glass which gives them a distinct sound.
In any case, wind chimes and bells to me always have a soothing effect.

I borrowed one of Hikalu's pictures to illustrate this story.

Other Japanese Summer treats: Beans to the Rescue

Anxious to get the News Real Early...New York Times delivers by 5:30 AM

Are you one of these people anxious to have read 3 newspapers by 7:00 AM.
Well according to an insert I got in today's copy, the New York Times gets it home delivered to you by 5:30 AM (weekdays only, sorry).
I will pass. No rolling out of bed to chase the delivery person if they are late, like showing up at 6:00, for me.
I am happy to get my copy at the civilized hour of 7:30 and get a little extra sleep.


On a more prosaic note, the paper also launched today  Paper Cuts, a blog on books  which starts its life with a look at the 'Digested Read' of the new Harry Potter book by the Guardian where John Crace Condensed Deathly Hallows in about one page (British cover here).

Also on Uber Productivity: On 'Productivity Porn': Marc Andreessen and 'A Year to Live'.

How a power outage in San Francisco silenced us for 4 hours on Tuesday

Some of you might have tried unsuccessfully to read us on Tuesday.

Between the hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm (US, Eastern Standard Time) our blog host, TypePad and many other services such as Red Envelope and CraigsList got shut down by a Power Outage in San Francisco.

I thought it would be useful to share this piece of information with readers outside the US who could have wondered about the reasons for this 'blackout'.

Usually things work smoothly until a glitch happens.

Nothing is perfect!

Should the soundtrack for this include Gary Numan 'Are Friends Electric', Orchestral Maneuvres in The Dark 'Electricity', Jimi Hendrix  'Electric Ladyland'   and Kraftwerk 'Electric Cafe'

Related stories: Off the Electric Grid again yesterday

The UK Best Watering Holes according to Observer Food Monthly

Here I land again in British territory with our friends at The Observer Food Monthly. The July Edition was published last Sunday.

I could not resist mentioning their Top 50 Summer Pubs and Bars as handpicked by Tim Lewis and Adam Edwards.

Highlights from the list in my view would be Oloroso (Edinburgh, Scotland), sherry has class to it, actually more of a restaurant with a well stocked bar. Second is Sandinista (Leeds) which they put under First Date spots when I thought it was named in honor of The Clash. There is even a Mobile Version, this bar (not the Magic Bus') is the Somerset Cider Bus, from Burrow Hill Cider Farm which they say is a staple at Glastonbury Festival will be at the End of The Road Festival near Salisbury (mid-September). They play cool music too.

With the downpour currently falling on our British friends, indoor entertainment must be needed.

Other Bar bits: Not for the faint, 'Eat Drink Hong Kong' 

Chef, ready to take a gamble? Sign Up for 'Food Poker'

I realized today that the BBC does not just promote current shows on their Food Page, they actually recruit participants for new ones.

Cooking right now in the BBC Idea Kitchen is Food Poker. They seem to be recruiting cheering (jeering) audiences rather than chefs actually.

Chefs might already be fighting for a spot on the show. They are the new Pop Stars after all or so they think.

Here is what's on the plate:
"Combine the competitive spirit of some of Britain's top chefs with one of the world's most exciting card games and you get Food Poker, a recipe competition in which culinary reputations are put on the line with every card.

Food Poker will test chefs' nerves and their ability to cook great recipes from seasonal ingredients selected at random. We're looking for enthusiastic audience members to decide the fate of our chefs as they pit culinary and bluffing skills against each other. Who will reach the final cook-off? The decision is up to you."

My own unreal show idea: The French Guy on Baseball

Any Takers?

Recent Beeb Stories: Cook and Groove with Neneh Cherry

Hey Good Looking! Ready for your Video Pitch? Try Vator

No typo here, I did not mean Dark Vader.

Would it not be better if instead of throwing your business card in strangers face and giving them a 30 seconds elevator pitch (boring and sometimes rude) you just put your video pitch out there for everyone who cares to see.

I do not mean a slick rick thing but an honest john call for funds, collaborators, ideas and whatever else you might need.

If this got your antennas titillated, you might want to check
Get your pitch live to the world and see what happens.
Before you proceed see what Peter Thiele ( one of the guys behind Paypal ) suggests you do, in video form of course.
He happens to be involved with Vator.

They got Springwised.

Gleamd...Vote for the Leaders of the Pack...A Gift...Freebies for You 3

Some call it Digg for people, I will not make any judgment on that yet since I barely used it.

It seemed like interesting enough when I read what fellow PHO List member, Brian Zisk, wrote about it to ask Brian to allow me to give away a few invites to Gleamd to you.

With Gleamd you can "submit people. vote on people. watch the most interesting rise to the top" (their tag line).


Learn more about this new tool with the How to Split Atoms Interview of Matt McInerney, the Savannah College of Art and Design student who is the brains behind Gleamd.

Right now, I have 5 invitations to give away, first come, first serve.

Use the comments to request yours.


Previous Freebie: Got Joost TV invites for you

Pho Related: Tuesday morning Pho Fever