Bored at Work on Friday...With 'Office Snapshots' peek into other people's rooms

It might be a slow Friday at work and you are bored.

Kill some time on Office Snapshots which as its name suggests let's you take a peek at other people's cubicles and workplaces.

Today's feature is Slide (photo sharing and image storage).

My favorite has to be Pixar, their warm and comfy spaces makes you want to get a job there.

What does your office look like?
Want to submit a picture to illustrate this post, go ahead and put a little fun and creativity in your day.

Got the lead on Office Snapshots from Think Vitamin.

More picturesque takes: How 'Citron' Presse led me to the wonderful world of Loua

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'Let's Get Naked'...On the Agenda of Wine Blogging Wednesday #36

Jul 27
With his Let's Get Naked theme, Lenn Thompson, the godfather of Wine Blogging Wednesday is not celebrating the Summer of Love. The August 8 Edition of WBW, Number 36, will mark the 3 year anniversary of this monthly event. Do not worry! You will have to suffer the view of unadorned (and possibly aged) wine buffs. What the event will cover is 'naked' wines, chardonnay actually, not made with oak barrels or for the cheap...
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'Cote d'Or', my Tuesday Restaurant Review is now 'Charolais'

Jul 27
Hard to believe but copyright laws do not apply only to music and movie downloads. The new New York restaurant that was originally conceived as Charolais and renamed Cote d'Or is now back to the Charolais brand after some legal eagles took issue with the name. I was not trying to make your head spin. Is Chocolate involved? What about Willy Wonka? On the positive side I guess they can now go live with their...
