Anxious to get the News Real Early...New York Times delivers by 5:30 AM

Are you one of these people anxious to have read 3 newspapers by 7:00 AM.
Well according to an insert I got in today's copy, the New York Times gets it home delivered to you by 5:30 AM (weekdays only, sorry).
I will pass. No rolling out of bed to chase the delivery person if they are late, like showing up at 6:00, for me.
I am happy to get my copy at the civilized hour of 7:30 and get a little extra sleep.


On a more prosaic note, the paper also launched today  Paper Cuts, a blog on books  which starts its life with a look at the 'Digested Read' of the new Harry Potter book by the Guardian where John Crace Condensed Deathly Hallows in about one page (British cover here).

Also on Uber Productivity: On 'Productivity Porn': Marc Andreessen and 'A Year to Live'.

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How a power outage in San Francisco silenced us for 4 hours on Tuesday

Jul 25
Some of you might have tried unsuccessfully to read us on Tuesday. Between the hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm (US, Eastern Standard Time) our blog host, TypePad and many other services such as Red Envelope and CraigsList got shut down by a Power Outage in San Francisco. I thought it would be useful to share this piece of information with readers outside the US who could have wondered about the reasons for this...
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Sweet Sounds of Summer: Japanese Wind Bells Market in...Kawasaki

Jul 26
No revving up your motorcycle here! I am familiar with Farmers Markets and Flea Markets. Until today I had never heard about one dedicated only to Wind Chimes or in this case Japanese Wind Bells called Fuulin. Our Tokyo antenna, PingMag got us started with Summer Sounds of Japanese Wind Bells. In turn it led me to the Kawasaki Daishi Heikenji Buddhist Temple where the principle object of worship is the image of the priest...
