Do you get sold on a Fifteen Second Pitch or just end up being turned off?

As a consumer, do you buy a product or a service because someone gave you a sales pitch.
At work or while networking for business, does an elevator pitch appeals to you.

I know we all feel pressed for time but can it be perceived as rudeness when someone you have not known but for a minute or two throws their business card at you or tells you how great their idea, service or product is and how it will revolutionize the world.

We all had times when we did that or were at the receiving end.

My friend Barry Moltz thinks a little differently. He considers you should be on people's radar.
When they need you and they know you can help them, they will touch base.

Let me add that most of the traits I highlighted here are distinctly American.
This 'in your face marketing' might be frowned upon by people from other countries.

A soft touch and a little humor might also make your introduction more effective.
There is also something to say about taking the time to build relationships.

A visit to 15SecondPitch whose tagline is 'Market yourself in 15 seconds' prompted these thoughts.

More on manners, sales pitches and other deeds: Are good manners out of style and Beware of Blind Spots plus Ian Urbina writes about 'Life's little annoyances'

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