About 'toxic coworkers'...Stay away from them as much as you can!

Some people on a personal level tend to drive you nuts? Well others in a professional setting do the same, no 'shiny happy people' here.

Amazon offers us a few ditties on the topic including 'Since strangling isn't an option'.
The Monster Blog after getting a lot of feedback regarding Toxic Bosses decided to ask What about Toxic Coworkers to add to the discussion.

They also highlight a study by Wharton professor Nancy Rothbard that tells us 'The mood you come to work with sets the mood for your workday' in pieces such as 'Waking up on the wrong side of the desk'. ...What you would call 'Mood Swings' or 'Songs that Swing for the Fences' I guess...

Does it contribute to global warming?

Should our level of Toxic Emissions be regulated?

I will let you be the judge.

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Crossing the Bridge...Not the Brooklyn Bridge...Discovering Music in Istanbul

Feb 19
I had a short conversation yesterday with a lady who immigrated recently to the US and told me she was Turkish. I actually found out she was a Turk from Macedonia. That chat brought back to mind a documentary on Istanbul. The movie in question, Crossing the Bridge is actually a guide to the local music scene. I don't think any of the performers are known to our western ears but they range from traditional...
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Show some emotion, Cut down on the platitudes for Business Success

Feb 20
Stefan Stern shakes the coconut tree in Wanted: more emotion and less rationality about strategy his Tuesday (Financial Times) column (full text requires registration, free trial available). Stefan Stern highlights the fact that many companies deliver platitudes or come up with 'new new things' just to appease their investors. He quotes Henri Mintzberg who laments that many execs lack the skill, knowledge or vision to come up with any ideas worth exploring. Instead they spout...
