A Restaurant...Backstage...In 40 shots by Michael Harlan Turkell

Before you get that finely tuned plate in front of you at your favorite restaurant, a lot of blood, sweat and tears happens as documented (40 photos taken in New York at Public) in Behind the Swinging Doors by photographer Michael Harlan Turkell on Chow.

I should know since I spent 17 years in the field, the sound and the fury, the heat and a swinging door that sometimes swings back at you and changes you into a marinara sauce display (it happened to me once).

Well many restaurants with open kitchens do not have swinging doors. It makes for a lively but sometimes noisy background for diners and everyone can hear that completely modified order you just gave that documents all your allergies or food phobias.


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King for a Day...La Galette des Rois...A French Tradition I almost forgot

Jan 12
A visit to Chocolate & Zucchini this morning reminded me of the existence of a nice French tradition, La Galette des Rois. According to AskOxford it goes back to the middle ages. La Galette des Rois which could be translated into the King's Cake contains a Feve now made of plastic. The same 'AskOxford' tells us that in ancient times the Feve was a bean chosen as a symbol of fertility. The Galette des Rois...
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A Sting Operation..Or rather Trudy's...Yoga...Rest and Relax...Il Palagio (Tuscany)

Jan 14
The idea of vacationing in Italy or more specifically Tuscany has been on your mind for a while and you want to spend some time resetting your clock to a better rhythm, here comes Il Palagio. This Sting operation or should I say the brainchild of his wife, Trudie Styler is an old estate that besides being a vacation home for Sting and his family doubles as a retreat offering yoga classes in what used...
