Top 5 Posts on Serge the Concierge in 2006
As we are only 2 steps away from the end of the year, let me list the Top 5 Posts on 'Serge the Concierge' in 2006 or should I say the Most Read.
They are listed in alphabetical order :
- A culinary side trip to Cambodia with Feel like Stuffed Frog caught your eye and the attention of Topix.
- A frustrated and enterprising traveler came up with Mile Guru, Track your Frequent Flyer Miles simple and useful.
- Show them the door: Music as a weapon to deal with lingering guests was inspired by a how to post on the same topic on Chow and benefited from being quoted by the Idolator blog.
- The U2 pastiche One Bank with two Bank of America managers singing the praise of mergers and credit cards, a divertissement.
- Last of all This Piranha pries open sharp edged plastic shells whose popularity was due I think to the fact that many of us including Marc Cuban got nasty cuts from these sharp plastic shells.
Which were your favorite 5? Feel free to share them with us!
Above all, thank you for being part of our growing readership.