Menu for Hope...Almost $15,000.00 raised so far

As of right now Menu for Hope 3, a Global Online Effort raising funds for the United Nations Food Program has raised close to $15,000.00.
Sam of Becks and Posh on the US West Coast chose colorful Words to Describe Menu for Hope 3 and David Lebovitz, pastry chef and American in Paris lists many very enticing prizes from the European participants, the most recent one is a Country Lunch with cookbook author Susan Loomis at her home.

So keep up with the giving!

Thanks for your support.

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Humor me! From Canada: the Work Less Party

Dec 14
On a light note, from Canada comes the Work Less Party whose tag is 'work less, live more'. Their logo suggests that 'Alarm Clocks kill Dreams'. Is it a vehicle to promote 'Workers of the world relax', a book by Conrad Schmidt or another way to test creative slogans for T Shirts. Whatever the reason they show a sense of fun. I found out about them on Bike Hugger where DL Byron (no relation to...
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Santa! Will I get my $199 Wusthof Cheese Knife for Xmas?

Dec 15
Well just kidding, I am not sure what I would do with the Wusthof Gourmet 12 inch Double Handle Knife. Its main use is for wheels of cheese such as Gruyere, Emmentaler and hard cheeses. Let me know if you store a wheel or 2 of your favorite cheeses at home. Maybe I am not quite ready to spend $199 on a knife. OK Cutlery and More where I found it throws in a Free...
