Expecting...Hire a Baby Planner!

While reading about business trends on Springwise I stumbled upon Baby Planners (mum to be, no time free), a service that describes itself as "an all-embracing service for women expecting their first baby".

It was founded by Keely Paice, a former magazine editor who built the service after learning first hand with her first child. They use what they call a PEA system that evaluates Practical Imperatives, Emotional Expectations and Aesthetic Considerations.

The service is currently only available in the UK but I guess you should be able to set up some online consultation.

Baby Planners fits with my philosophy that professional services are not all about productivity but also about giving the gift of time as I outline when I offer our New Jersey Concierges gift certificates.

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Taking Pictures...For Sentimental Reasons or Just Sharing Experiences as they happen!

Dec 6
In the readers comments of the Financial Times yesterday, I was struck by one commenting on the fate of Kodak that contrasted in the commenter's mind the pictures that were taken in the past as 'photographs as memories' to the instant sharing of experiences and travels that happen now in the electronic age. The Peruvian photo journal of my fellow french expat Bea illustrates the latter point. Does it mean that we do not take...
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Over 50 and you will not find me Surfing the Net on EONS

Dec 6
After checking a Financial Times article on how Japanese site Mixi prepares for baby boomers (and is salivating at the idea of getting a slice of their purchasing power), I noticed a shorter piece Silver surfers get social by Richard Waters. It mentioned Eons, a new venture by Jeff Taylor (of Monster.com fame). Well, I visited the site and felt underwhelmed. I did not relate to much of the headlines which to me were geared...
