The T-Shirt is the Medium

Everywhere I go I see T-Shirts, some tasteful, some less.
Today the New York Times features Free City Supershop in 800 Very Unsquare Feet. They sell bicycles with character and T-Shirts that speak to you.
At least they have a personality, not another bland store.
Many creative people now use T Shirts as their Canvas.
Will we start collecting them?

French based 'La Fraise'  is a T Shirt success story, both creatively and commercially. Right now, their home page sports a 'I have a Dream' design.
I mentioned Guy Trebay's Opus on Limited Edition T Shirts in July 2005.

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Tis' the Season for 'Elements of Etiquette'

Nov 30
Browsing through my bookshelves I rediscovered Elements of Etiquette ' A guide to table manners in an imperfect world' as its author Craig Claiborne calls it. The book was originally published in 1992, might sound a little old fashioned to you but contains a lot of valuable advice. It covers such topics as how to set a party, who to invite. How to accept an invitation or call it off? If the party is in...
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From Rock Star to Gentleman Farmer & Cheesemaker: Alex James (Blur)

Dec 1
While Damon Albarn keeps himself busy with Gorillaz and other projects, fellow Blur member Alex James has reinvented himself as a gentleman farmer and cheese maker. It was brought to my attention by Polly Vernon entertaining piece How Alex James became a very big cheese in the country in the November Edition of Observer Food Monthly, one of my favorite food related reads for the quality of its writing and sense of humor. After moving...
