How to Shower and also Work on your SAT Test?

In our time pressed era, one can combine taking a shower and working on their SAT thanks to the Intuitive Learning Company series of 6 SAT based shower curtains Curtain_2 including the one pictured here.

The company's goal is to offer stress free learning tools.

I first read about them in the 'Trendspotter' column of the Financial Times.

The Intuitive Learning Company is based in Minneapolis as was Wize my previous topic.

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Will 'Wize' help us buy the Right product?

Nov 25
When shopping for such products as a new digital camera, a flat screen TV, or even more mundane things like a vacuum cleaner, office or computer products the sheer number of options might make it hard to choose. For my digital camera purchase back in July, I used CNET Reviews . For a wider range of products, Minneapolis based WIZE offers product rankings based on a combination of experts and users reviews. Besides the products...
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At the Dinner table, The 'Atomic Fruit Bowl' by Chiasso

Nov 27
Maybe it is my European background but I feel that on special occasions, a dinner table nicely set adds to the evening's mood. I recently discovered Chiasso. They offer contemporary design for the house. Some of them did not strike me. One that appealed to me was their Atomic Fruit Bowl (pictured here). I like their 'Trees' and 'Ding Dong' Doormats as well. Maybe they could cut down on the use of the word 'modern'...
