Take back your Time: Tips from the Desk of the Realtors
Yesterday I commented on Compulsive Talkers. Not only do they tend to irritate us but they also take our time. How can we put an end to a conversation without being rude?
This is one of the situations covered by Kelly Quigley in Top Time-Management Tricks on Realtor Magazine Online. Each Tip is given by a different Realtor so it adds a personal touch to it. Other tips that caught my eye were Do it now, not later (many of us procrastinate at times) and Just Say No (rather than taking assignments you do not want).
I first read about Kelly Quigley's piece on Lifehacker.
By the way today is Take Back Your Time Day 2006 whose logo graces this post.
This year marks the Second edition of this event which reminds us that Life is not just about Productivity, it is also about Sanity.
Have a good day!