On the Parent Track with Maya's Mom

I pay frequent visits to Parenthacks, not so much for advice, rather to follow the conversation.
Along the same line comes Maya's Mom which combines other parents tips with suggestions of activities in your area or at home.
They guess your location vased on your IP address.
Maya's Mom also hosts Parent Groups such as Dads with Daughters and Parents with Pets which according to them work with existing Yahoo Groups.

To add to this topic let me also mention a New Jersey based site called Parental Wisdom,the creation of Tina Nocera who I have known for a number of years.

I guess today with this post and the previous on Book Exchanges, I am on the Parent Track.

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BookMooch: Trade your Unwanted (Kids) Books for New Ones

Oct 27
Even though I knew about Online Independent music distributor Magnatune, I was not aware that his founder John Buckman also started BookMooch or 'New Life for Old Books' as they describe themselves. There are not many books I bought that I would trade personally but I could see that as a useful tool for parents. Our kids get older and grow out of things they used to like and some of them are voracious readers...
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Want a 'Dog Friendly Job' search 'Simply Hired'

Oct 27
In this age of segmentation, we can search for jobs with non strictly 'professional' needs in mind. After reading about a recent update to the Simply Hired service on TechCrunch, I did a quick search on 'Dog Friendly' jobs using their service. It came up with odd matches such as Hot Dog stands positions and servers needed for The Lazy Dog Cafe. I also discovered the Animal Behavior College. I did not see any 'bring...
