'I brushed, I swear'...The truth about Red Wine and Stained Teeth

In I brushed, I swear Michele Foley (Chow) does a quick Q and A on the topic of Red Wine and Stained Teeth.
Wanting to educate myself on the topic I went on a little expedition.

I found Dental Care for the Wine Taster by Sue Courtney which highlights that the acidity of the wine tends to thin the enamel.

Gothamist offered us Malbec Mouth with more humor than practical solutions.

Chemical and Engineering News ads coffee and tea (besides red wine) to the list of stainer in chief.

The Scotsman on the other hand suggests that Red wine 'may help to stop teeth falling out' in being key to prevent and treat serious gum disease.

I will let you sort all that out.

What is your take on this?


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Off to the Bahamas we go...'Harbour Island-Briland' in the eyes of its residents

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