Sydney's Top Restaurants for 2007 As Picked by the Sidney Morning Herald

Simon Thomsen and Catherine Keenan, the restaurant reviewers for the 'Sydney Morning Herald' just released their Top Picks for 2007 yesterday. I thought this might be of use if you plan on traveling to Sydney, Australia. Nothing beats advice from the natives. Fins Restaurant, located in Byron Bay got my attention as their choice for Local Food, I was especially interested by their Degustation Menu offering food and wine pairing ($140.00 australian per person).
I found out about the Sydney Morning Herald selection while reading local (Sydney) blog Grab Your Fork.

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Car Salesmen as Optional... Left wondering after Test Driving a Honda Element

Sep 5
After the transmission of my current Concierge Mobile failed, I started looking for a new set of wheels. I finally set my mind on the Honda Element, not for its good looks but for its practical elements such as washable floor, big cargo, folding seats and square back door. I do have to pick up or dispose of furniture and other large items for clients of my New Jersey Concierges services on occasion and I...
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Life in the Slow Lane...Some thoughts after surgery

Sep 7
If you looked for a new post yesterday and did not find one, it was because I was on the operating table. Nothing major, just taking care of bad sinuses (deviated septum in medical terms) so I can breathe better and recover my sense of smell for wine tastings. Yesterday, I was a little foggy, and to day though better, experiencing life in the slow lane. Which brings me to today's topic. Since I will...
